Klam Poesi: Mørksjelede Maija skriver dumpedikt på engelsk.

Idag er det Maija Skille, en fremadstormende operasanger, som deler sin kleine poetiske fortid med oss her på Filialen!
Da Maija var 16 år og prøvde å være litt mørk i sjela, hadde hun en kjæreste som hun dumpet etter 3 uker ved å gi ham følgende dikt:

Confused by the sadness I know you hide
Confused because I can’t stand by your side
So scared by all the love you give
So scared because I’ve got to live
If we both could be wearing the unchained wings of death that carries our young souls away from confusion, fear and sadness, I might dare to let my heart be filled with you
– only you –
and the new, but powerful love you feel for me. In a world of darkness we could be the only candles to light up the dead lifes of the spirits that surround us. In that world nobody will judge us and all hate will be left back on this earth, which owns too little love, too many tears and no hope. Our love is not meant for this world – it belongs to the unknown darkness that we both stribe for, but can not achieve.
We are condemned to live separated in this world, because we both despise it.
But when we’ve survived all these endless nights of fear and solitude, we shall be reunited
and everything will be fine.. The spell will be broken, I will be able to give all the love you need and we’ll Rest In Peace.
For now we can be nothing but friends. We’ll both meet other lovers and we may forget about eachother.
But every night, just for a second, my soul will leave my body to find its way to your heart and make sure you’re alright.
And when the Blessed hour of death arrives, we’ll both be ready because from the start you and I were meant to love eachother
under the wings of death…